In the Internet appeared the video, where a company representative shows the first and world’s flexible gadget.
The first year the most famous manufacturers of gadgets working to create a flexible smartphone or tablet. And like the first, in this difficult case was the company Samsung.
To date, the American company Apple is considered to be almost the absolute leader in the market of smartphones. The Americans are “pushing” the market is fundamentally new technologies. This fact is understood by all competitors, and such giants, as Samsung just can’t ignore this fact. Therefore, leading companies in the mobile technology market try not to stand still, and constantly come up with something completely new.
One of the most, if not promising, then certainly intriguing aspect is the creation of multi-functional gadgets and hybrid mobile technology in a flexible housing. In recent years the idea of creating a flexible screen steadily captures the market of technologies, not just mobile. Many manufacturers of household appliances, for example, want to develop flexible monitors and televisions.
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