During a city Council meeting, the mayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko showed signatures of residents of the neighborhood near the metro station “Heroes of Dnepr”.
According to Klitschko, the construction of the “Heroes of the Dnieper” has already moved on to the political plane.
“Public hearings were held. I have two reports: from the side, which supports the construction of a shopping center, and that against. We remember what happened at the last hearing, and we understand that all future meetings would be disrupted. As some of the political power heated situation around this issue. So I gave the instruction to carry out a survey to local residents spoke. Because the construction of a shopping center on the “Heroes of Dnepr” is exclusively a matter for the residents of this district, not those who come to demonstrations,” said the mayor of Kiev.
According to the results of a survey of residents of 80 houses in a radius of the metro station “Heroes of Dnepr” was collected 3153 signatures of those who supported the systematization of trade and the new complex.
“Shopping malls should be. It is a modern and civilized way of trade. The number of shopping centers in Kiev is inferior to other modern cities. I am sure that the SEC – an alternative to the chaotic trade, which, unfortunately, is inherent in the Kiev. At the same time, it is the legitimate jobs and taxes to the city budget”, – said Klitschko.
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