In clashes in Central Kiev beat the Deputy Soboleva.
In clashes in Central Kiev beat the people’s Deputy Yegor Sobolev.
About the MP said on his page on Facebook.
“I congratulate President Poroshenko and the Minister of internal Affairs Avakov. Pulled into the area Bankova several thousand militiamen. These gentlemen managed to break a rally of people who oppose trade with the occupied territories, to detain a few, several to make customers fast, and most importantly to pitch a tent, which we wanted to install on the corner of Bankova and Instytutska street. Brilliant victory of the new police force along with the National guard, ” – wrote the MP.
According to Sobolev, he tried to stop a fight between protesters and police.
At the same time, it is reported that Sobolev had used force against a police officer.
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