From the apartment, the criminals took out a large sum of money when the boy was himself at home.
The police came the boy’s parents and told that he was the victim of a robbery.
As told the in a press-service GU of the National police of Ukraine in Odessa region, the attackers came three medals of ATO participant, $ 500. Soon criminals have been detained. They were 20-and 22-year-old Odessa.
It all started with the fact that the bandits had chosen their victim and demanded money from a 17-year-old friend.
According to them, the guy had a thousand dollars for having allegedly betrayed their secret. When the debtor said he had no money, he offered to call someone and set up a meeting near one of the stadiums of the city. The guy called 12-year-olds, with which he often played football, and met him near the stadium.
Criminals remained nothing how to switch to a new victim. Attackers distributing role, arrived by car arrived at the meeting place of the teenagers and demanded money from a minor, threatening in case of refusal, lock him in the trunk of the car.
Then, having played a performance about the necessity of writing debt deal, the attackers asked his 12-year-old friend paper and pen, and when he reported their absence, suggested to get them home.
To dull the vigilance of the victim, first they offered to accompany him to the house where he lives, and when he reached the flats, changed their minds and said that they will write a receipt in his apartment. The teenager remained nothing how to admit the bandits in the apartment.
Once in the apartment, the bandits took from her everything of value. And then fled in a car.
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