Foreign exchange reserves declined to $15.4 billion.
International reserves of Ukraine on 1 February 2017 was $15,445 billion.
This was reported in the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine.
“Due to temporary seasonal factors on the interbank foreign exchange market, as well as the necessity of making payments on public debt international reserves for the month decreased by 0.6%,” – said in the message.
It is noted that in January the dynamics of international reserves was formed from two sources of factors:
– change in the volume of international reserves has occurred through the holding of National Bank interventions on the interbank currency market;
– from the reserves to make payments of the government for servicing and repayment of public and publicly guaranteed debt in foreign currency was sent $138 million Of which $42.3 million – on government securities t-bills.
“The results of the month the volume of international reserves of Ukraine covers 3.4 months of the future import and is sufficient to meet the liabilities of current operations of the government and the National Bank”, – said the NBU.
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