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In London offer the tiny house for 750 thousand dollars

В Лондоне предлагают крохотный дом за 750 тысяч долларовHouse area of only 27 square meters and it is in need of renovation.

In the prestigious district of the English capital, Chelsea, on Britten Street sell a house for 600 thousand pounds. The price for this area – low if not for the fact that house size is only 27 square meters and it is in need of renovation.

The reason for such a high cost per square meter – about 20 thousand dollars due to this location. In Chelsea the average cost of a private “full-length” home starts at $ 2 million. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Tiny house consists of two floors. Located on the first reception, which performs the function both as a living room and dining room and a small kitchen, and a tier below a shower. On the second floor is the master bedroom with an area of 11 sq. m.

According to the estate agents, after renovation value of the property will increase and can range from 1 million 200 thousand dollars.

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