The attackers carried the clothes and run with the winch.
Thieves hunted in the capital’s supermarkets and malls, are becoming more resourceful. In one of the shopping center in Pechersk, for stealing two pairs of jeans and sweaters caught 31-year-old from Kiev. He wrapped the clothes with special materials to trick the alarm. Store employees in time called the police.
WITHOUT MONEY AND CLOTHES. “The suspect was detained at the exit of the Mall. Now the question on election to it measures of restraint”, — told us the police and said to bring the goods, the thieves go to all sorts of tricks — nail scissors, cut the mini-alarm or even change into stolen goods. For example, in one of the Mall of the Shevchenko district 52-year-old cherkaschanin tried to get out of a sporting goods store in unpaid jacket, and boots, but the alarm went off, and he was arrested.
According to law enforcement, theft from stores thieves explain the lack of funds to buy any clothes or products. “In the Obolon district, a clothing store, 21-year-old student stole a pair of men’s shoes for 800 hryvnia, and when he was arrested, confessed that he didn’t have enough money to pay for them. In Darnitsa, near one of the grocery store, the police caught 38-year-old from Kiev who stole a prodnabor her purse sausage, cheese, meat, sweets and bread. Police his action, the woman explained lack of funds”, — militiamen told.
WITH THE PUNCH. Not bypassed by thieves and specialized shops. Obolon 40-year-old vinnichanam twice tried to make from the same market punch $ 3 thousand UAH, and both times he was arrested. The first time the police asked him for his explanation and released on personal recognizance, and after five hours of Amateur stroyinstrument again detained by store security. Now he faces up to 5 years in prison.
In the same area, but the auto parts store, detained the thief who tried to steal a 10-kilogram autolease for 3.5 thousand UAH. Caught on a hot, 38-year-old man threw prey and wanted to escape, but the guards blocked the door.
THE GOLD AND DIAMONDS. As recognized in the city Mall, even the most modern security system does not always save. “There are craftsmen that, if you want something take it” — say in one of the shopping center. So, for 8 years in prison for theft in the capital’s jewelry stores sentenced 39-year-old Georgian. He made women’s watch with diamond and gold bracelet totaling 650 thousand UAH. “He sought out expensive jewelry and diverting the attention of sellers, abducted decorations”, — told in Prosecutor’s office of Kiev.
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