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In England he was born green puppy

В Англии родился зеленый щенокThe baby was named Fifi in honor of Princess Fiona from “Shrek”.

In the UK born Labrador puppy with green color, while her three siblings were born with white hair. Their mother, a two year old Labrador Retriever named Millie, has a brown color.

Hosts an unusual puppy, named her Fifi in honor of Princess Fiona from the cartoon “Shrek”. Sell the baby once she grows up. For such an unusual dog probably will be a queue of buyers.

The unusual color of the puppy due to the high content of biliverdin in the placenta of the dog. This substance is formed in the decay of hemoglobin. It can even accumulate in human skin, such as jaundice, giving it a greenish tint.

В Англии родился зеленый щенок

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