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In “DNR” came up with another version of the death of terrorist Givi

В "ДНР" придумали еще одну версию гибели террориста ГивиIn “DNR” consider two versions of the death of field commander.

The commander of “Somalia” Mikhail Tolstykh (Givi) was able to kill a bomb planted in the battery Cabinet. This version was voiced by the unit commander of the separatists “Legion” member of the Parliament DND Sergey Sadofiev in the comment to the edition “Politnavigator”.

“Apparently, a bookmark made by some of its fighters, recruited by the Ukraine. Most likely, recent. The second version of DRG Bumblebee shot beyond the base of the window. Both these versions are now checked,” said Zavdoveyev.

He himself inclined to the first version – the tab bomb in the battery.

“There are moments that talk about this. For example, the frame remained intact, if hit with Bumblebee, they would have turned inside the room. Second, Givi lay legs to the window. One leg blown off and part of the foot, and cut off part of the head. This shows that there was a directed explosion from the side of the battery. Some of the fragments in the same room was found. Accordingly, it looks like a TNT or plastic explosive,” – said the gunman.

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