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How to cope with spring allergies

Как справиться с весенней аллергиейWith the first spring warming retreat “winter” infections, the flu is behind us.

But the body is still weakened. And the many manifested increased sensitivity to various natural allergens. And above all it is not the pollen of flowers and trees, as is commonly believed, and fungi, says our expert — the head scientifically-the clinical Advisory centre “Allergy and immunology” Professor Yuri Smolkin. It was found that among allergens of indoor fungi is the second important place after dust mites. They grow actively at the first sign of heat.

It’s not uncommon for people going to the Park to get some fresh air, suddenly begin to cough, to sneeze, they have watery and red eyes, a runny nose. The fact is that mold spores are in abundance dwell in the damp earth, thawed fallen leaves from the grass and pine needles, along with the air get into the Airways. Especially overreacting to this mess people with asthma, chronic lung diseases and bronchial and allergic to various types of fungi. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

How to find out if you have mold Allergy?

Very often people don’t understand what there is an allergic reaction. Allergist can figure this out fairly quickly.

You can suspect this type of Allergy, if the condition is clearly deteriorating fast and in the spring Park, the woods, damp and wet rooms, as well as by eating foods containing allergens, fungi, spring work in the garden (for example, when cleaning fallen leaves).

Symptoms of “syndrome of thawing of snow” can be different:

— Cough, sore throat.

— Shortness of breath, feeling of tightness of the chest.

— Cold, which, unlike colds that occur when contact with allergen and disappears when you leave “dangerous place”.

— Allergic conjunctivitis (inflammation, redness of the eyelids).

— Skin — often atopic dermatitis (eczema). Often appears in children after they dig in the spring soil.

At high concentration of airborne fungi can cause even severe lesions of the lungs, for example, exogenous allergic alveolitis. Otherwise, it’s a disease called “farmer’s lung”, “lung cheesemaker”.

To accurately find out if you are allergic to fungus, you need to consult an allergist and undergo Allergy examination including skin tests and the analysis for the presence of antibodies to this allergen in blood (for example, RAST – radioallergosorbent test or other methods), explains Professor Yuriy Smolkin.

Do not allow damp in the bathroom

If you observe a reaction to rotten leaves, most likely it will be to household mold, and perhaps on potted plants, or fungi, that are found in potting soil. Because you need to take action to fungi around you as much as possible.

— Not to walk in the parks, while there will not remove all of last year’s mud.

— Home regularly to wash the premises and the conditions which promote the growth of mildew (bathroom, basement in a private house), after using the shower, wipe dry all wet surfaces, use cleaning solutions that prevent the growth of mold.

— Not to engage in a change room colors, the earth in the pots and plant parts can serve as a medium for the growth of moulds.

— Not to harness oneself in the country of work associated with the cleaning of old leaves and grass.

— Do not be near or burning leaves, moldy hay or straw.


Cheese and sauerkraut and yeast dough also allergens

If you have confirmed allergies to mold, will have to give up foods that contain mold (reaction may occur in them). It: sharp cheeses Roquefort, Camembert and cheddar cheeses, limit dairy products, kvass, beer, champagne, as well as meats, yeast dough, sauerkraut.

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