As told Deputy head of Department of strategic consulting UTG Konstantin Oleinik, the General leasing area of the shopping center will exceed 250 thousand sq. m.
This year in Kiev, announced the opening of six trading objects of various formats: two regional (Blockbuster, Pier, river Mall), circuit (Smart Polytech Plaza, KIDEAL) and neighborhoods (Academ-City), one retail Park (Retail Park Petrovka).
Square planned to open the Mall:
1. Smart Polytech Plaza, St. the Victory, 26 – 15 thousand. sq. m;
2. Blockbuster Mall Moskovskiy Ave 36 – 135 thousand sq. m;
3. River Mall, the Dnieper embankment, 10, 14 – 59,7 thousand sq. m;
4. Petrovka Retail Park, St. Bandera 12 thousand square meters;
5. KIDEAL (1st place), zdolbunovskaya str – 30 thousand sq. m;
6. ACADEM-CITY, Akademika Palladina Ave., 16 – 8 thousand sq. m;
Features regional shopping center (facilities serving several areas of the city/suburbs) is a great shopping area and high anchor “force of attraction”.
Usually, in the regional Mall there is a food hypermarket, a cinema, an expanded area, food court, shops of clothes and shoes, children’s entertainment center. In addition, some regional centers offer a lot of entertainments (bowling, ice rink, karting, water Park), spacious public areas (fountains, walking paths, playgrounds).
“In recent years, retail facilities begin to perform the functions of community centers appear in them museums, theatres, media libraries, experimentarium, co-working space,” – said Oleynik.
The district shopping center (facilities serving one of the districts of the city) have less area and force the anchor tenants. Traditionally, they have a supermarket, the more simple areas of the food court and entertainment (cinema, children’s entertainment center, fitness center, etc.).
The neighborhood shopping center format, aimed at a range of everyday products, rarely have anchor tenants, excellent food from the supermarket.
The year has just begun and it is too early to talk about opening some of the objects could theoretically move, but the most common today, the reasons for the postponement of the start of work, the SEC often are:
– General economic and political situation in the country;
– problems with financing of construction;
– problems with object input in operation;
– the problem with a set of tenants (very closely related to the first problem);
– force majeure circumstances.
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