The trade blockade has the economic losses for Ukraine, said Volodymyr Groysman.
From blocking the supply of coal from the so-called “republics” the loss of Ukraine will amount to $3.5 billion and will lead to a reduction of nearly 75 thousand jobs.
This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman on air of inter TV channel.
“What is happening with the blockade – it is in the interests of the Russian Federation. We are talking about the fact that our coal, the Ukrainian, which were bought for the hryvnia, and which pay taxes to Ukraine should be banned, and buy from Russia. This sabotage against our country”, – said Groisman.
According to him, the losses of Ukrainian mining and metallurgical complex in the result of the embargo amount to about $3.5 billion, which will reduce to 75 thousand jobs in the industry.
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