So you haven’t seen them yet.
We used to take famous historical figures in a certain age, when they were at the peak of glory. And it’s hard to believe that once they were young, or, conversely, old, was engaged in a very narrow-minded things, or had another profession.
We decided to find pictures of the geniuses of past centuries. Let’s look at them from a completely different side.
It would look like Yesenin in old age? As his son
The younger son of Sergei Yesenin is a mathematician and poet Alexander Yesenin-Volpin — lived a life no less rich and complex than even the great poet, though slightly longer, having survived his father (who died at 30) exactly 3 times, so we can see how old would Sergey Yesenin, because they were very similar.
Loyal Chow Chow helps to Freud at work
Freud believed that dogs are like no other able to recognize the true a person’s mood and they help you relax. That is why he allowed his favorite Chow-Chow Jo-Fi — to attend its sessions.
And this guy know?
Yes, it’s Pope Francis
A similar fate of Bruce Lee and his son Brandon Lee
Both actors died on the set of the movie: father — in 32 years on the set of “Tower of death”, the son — in 28 years in one of the takes of the film “the crow.”
And here are the most gifted children Pablo Picasso
It’s the younger kids, the genius of the artist — Claude and Paloma Picasso. A hothead, like his father, Claude oversees the management of the Picasso as eccentric Paloma is a famous jewelry designer and runs his own perfume Empire.
You saw Charlie Chaplin in old age? Please
Hemingway caught tuna. Nothing unusual, scroll further
46-year-old, but the same beautiful Audrey Hepburn. In 1975, the movie “Robin and Marian”
This 18-year-old Macedonian will be known throughout the world as mother Teresa
She’s with her sister (left) in traditional Macedonian costumes
Here mother Teresa call her Agnes Boagiu and she is only 13 years old.
First and last photo of Lenin
The case when it is impossible to imagine that this is one and the same person.
Two great Latin — Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in their school years
Young Einstein in the company of friends,1903
Walt Disney draws Mickey mouse
Young enemies: a 24-year-old Winston Churchill, and 35-year-old Benito Mussolini
Handsome, right?
Back to Hemingway: it is familiar to us and the photos from his Yearbook at school
26-year-old Muhammad Ali on the cover of Esquire
Magnificent Coco Chanel in 1910 and in 1957
All used to seeing Dostoevsky and Tolstoy bearded geniuses. But they were young too
Fyodor is 42 years old, and Tolstoy — 26.
But, please, 34-year-old Hitler and the 24-year-old Stalin
Initially, Hitler, like Stalin wore a thick moustache. They say that because they hid his ugly curve of his mouth. But then he was forced to tame their thick, because they allowed him to wear a mask.
Asked how Hitler looked in the same 24? So. With the very bushy mustache
The role of Hitler in the First world war was not so remarkable as in the Second: he was just an ordinary Bavarian army with a funny mustache. Although the soldiers celebrated him as a great and courageous soldier. In October 1918 he suffered from a chemical shell, and was in the hospital. There he learned about the collapse of Germany, which became a great shock to him… Then you know.
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