In 49 years the life only begins and you need to take it all.
Millionaire from Italy once again demonstrated its immediacy and danced for the camera in his underpants.
The world’s most famous “the dancing millionaire” Gianluca Vacca showed fresh video. In it, he appeared before the public in shorts and boots home. After the adoption of the cryosauna, where he stayed for several minutes at a temperature of -16, so that the skin remains smooth and supple, it’s funny to dance on camera.
More than 10 thousand YouTube users looked at the hilarious dance of a millionaire who proves to others, that in 49 years of life has just begun and you need to take it all.
By the way, not many people know that the Gianluca Vacca has a connection with the underworld, as evidenced by the tattoos on his lap in the form of “stars”. These tattoos are usually stuffed themselves “thieves in law”.
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