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Home / INCREDIBLE / Geologists have predicted a catastrophic earthquake in the United States

Geologists have predicted a catastrophic earthquake in the United States

Геологи предсказали катастрофическое землетрясение в СШАFracture is a possible source of earthquakes up to eight on the Richter scale.

Geological fault near the town of Santa Barbara in the southern part of the us state of California might cause earthquakes. To such conclusion the American scientists who published an article in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. Briefly about the study, says Gizmodo.

Fault Ventura (Ventura-Pitas Point Fault) stretches for a hundred kilometers to the West of the same city, passes under the Santa Barbara and Goletas, and part of it is under the Pacific ocean. Until 80-ies of geologists believed that it is not active, however new data has shown that it can trigger a devastating earthquake. The main factor is its structure, which can be either stepped or smooth. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

To determine the exact shape of the fault, scientists conducted a computer simulation, given plate tectonics, as well as data on local seismic activity. It turned out that Ventura has a structure that resembles a ladder and is closer to the surface than previously thought.

This means that the fault is a possible source of earthquakes up to eight on the Richter scale, as well as its part located under the ocean can cause a tsunami.

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