Fresh new faces on the current topic.
Network cartoons ridiculed the dismissed head of the State fiscal service (GFS) Roman Nasirov, who allegedly suffered a heart attack after his arrest.
On the page “Radio Liberty” in Facebook published a cartoon titled “the Metamorphosis of the Ukrainian defendants”.
Also on the page “the Ministry of emigration” in the social network reminded caricature “textbook” behavior in the Ukrainian courts.
On this occasion joked in his popular Livejournal blogger Igor Bigdan, published otvetstvennoe photo Nasirov fashion in a blanket, calling the “Spring/Summer 2017”.
We will remind, Roman Nasirov, which the court has not yet chosen a measure of restraint, made the first after his arrest a personal statement. He noted that he is interested in the trial and cooperated with the investigation from the beginning, since the middle of last year. Nasirov said that he wants to bring the case to the end and prove the full innocence.
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