41-year-old Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) appeared in the company of an unknown man during a trip to Cambodia. Moreover, Jolie has managed to acquaint children with a new man!
“Brad is furious when everything turns out — believe the gossip, who witnessed the new relationship of the actress. — He was struggling to snatch hours of communication with children, while Angelina travels with them around the world and allows the stranger to buy them gifts.” Insiders believe, so Angelina wants to prove to the world that she and her children do not need brad pitt.
As told by the dealer of jewelry Seng Nam (Nam Seng), unknown boyfriend brought Jolie and eight-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne to the market of Siem Reap and bought they bracelets of 18 carat of gold valued at 260 thousand dollars. Many have suggested that, most likely, not a new lover, and the family guardian Jolie. However, Seng told Us that he saw angelina Jolie and her bodyguards two years ago when she was filming in Cambodia, but the new man in Angelina he sees for the first time.
Recall that Angelina Jolie made as a Director and producer of the film “First they killed my father: a daughter’s Memories of Cambodia”, removed on motives of the memoirs lung, Ange. In the documentary film tells about the fate of the girl who miraculously managed to survive during the terror of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. By the way, the eldest son Maddox, born in Cambodia, took an active part in the filming of the movie.
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