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For traveler: unusual traditions of the people of Cyprus. Photo

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. ФотоFeatures of the Cypriot national culture.

Nursery — children of the coffee — men, stores and kitchen. Talk about the traditions of the Cypriots.

They give children at the nursery in four months - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

Maternity leave after childbirth on Cyprus lasts only four months. Therefore, children almost from the first days give kindergarten. In school they be in five years. A mandatory program includes 12 classes, with education and textbooks in Cyprus free not only for Cypriots but also for representatives of other nationalities. The state buys even dictionaries! But this is only if children are enrolled in public school. In private rules.
They have a coffee shop for men only

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

Cypriots are a real coffee lover. They drink coffee at any time of the day despite the fact that traditionally this drink is very strong and it even served a glass of cold carbonated water. To drink coffee in Cyprus was primarily meant to communicate, and therefore, it should be done in a coffee shop.

Surprisingly, until 2003, this institution had the right to be visited only by men. In some institutions the old tradition has survived to the present day, the older generation spends most of the time.

Another popular coffee drink is a frappe — coffee, filled with cold water. Sometimes milk is added, but the ice cream is served rare. Frappe, and coffee in Cyprus, a popular year-round.
They seldom go on foot

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

If the shop is located at a distance of 200 m from the house, most reach it by car. To cross the road is also considered unacceptable. In this case, Cypriots usually parked on the opposite lane, driving some dangerous metres against the motion. Of course, this is strictly prohibited by the rules, but the police usually do not pay attention to it, because they just do.

To overcome 150 km is considered to make the long journey — the island is small! However, this strange perception of distances does not prevent the Cypriots to travel abroad. And exercise, too!
They have no Central heating

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

The Cypriot winter, when compared with the Russian, soft enough. In December the temperature is around +15 °C, but in this weather Cypriots start to wear warm clothes. And from mid-November to February, the island come the cold wind and rain. At night the temperature can drop to +5 °C.

Winter brings the locals a lot of problems. The island has no Central heating. This time of year most people heated with electric oil heaters or air conditioners.

Difficulties arise with hot water. If in summer the water is heated by solar panels in the winter, the sun is not enough. To solve the problem, some people use stationary boiler boilers running on gas, which is much cheaper than electricity. Its prices are among the highest in Europe. But most Cypriots heat water using electricity at a certain time required for bathing the whole family.
Favorite words of Cypriots: “tomorrow” and “slower”

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

People in Cyprus simply no reason to rush. There are no long traffic jams, the path from home to work takes 5 to 15 minutes, and the sun shines 340 days a year. In addition, here all know each other, and thus customer service in the store or in the Bank — instead of a couple of minutes can take all ten, because each is necessary to talk about life.

Favorite expressions of Cypriots: “avrio” which means “tomorrow” and “sIgA-sIgA” (“slower”). If you’ve come to the tourist office just before it closed, most likely, you will be advised to come back tomorrow. But not because the Cypriots do not like to work. Simply, they can prioritize and plan. And in the first place they have a family.
They invite strangers to the wedding

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

Weddings are of two types: “closed”, when only invited relatives and close friends (300-700 people), and “open” (1000 people), when invited to a wedding everybody.

The young do not give gifts, but every guest brings an envelope with a small amount of money to help newlyweds start a life with. Minimum rate: €20 per person, if a person does not know the young. In Cyprus it happens that people go to a wedding as a dinner instead of a restaurant that often occurs on the “open” weddings.

Generally, a Cyprus wedding is a business. Many keep a list, but who gave money to then, having come to the same people for a wedding, christening, birthday or other holiday, give the same amount, not more.
They are cleaned every day

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

Cypriot is the true Housewives. This is especially true of the older generation. Every day they get up at 6 in the morning, sprayed from a hose in the yard, sweep the dirt, wash the floors in the house, and then go to the store, and about 10 hours put in to prepare dinner. Then wash again and cook dinner should always be on time.

The younger generation in the morning the yard is not sweeping and instead goes to work. If a woman has children (and they usually are, and very often not one, but two or three) on the way to work, they are imported to the grandmothers. The work is not delayed because I have to go pick up the kids and prepare dinner. Then we still have to clean the kitchen and put the kids to bed. And in the morning all over again.

Pooped from working women with children are held usually on Saturdays. It takes a few hours to live as Cypriots in their homes. Although some invite once a week cleaners to leave time for rest and wealthy people have maids.
They — fruit of the patriots

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

In Cyprus all year round ripen some fruit, then the other. The streets are literally strewn with oranges, lemons, grapefruits, figs and other gifts of nature. They rolled out onto the road and lying under the feet simply because people do not have time to eat. If the tree is growing right by the road, fruit in General, few people will collect for obvious reasons. The locals prefer to buy only seasonal fruits and those that grow on the island. Imported are not in great demand.

They have prestigious to work as a teacher

Туристу на заметку: необычные традиции жителей Кипра. Фото

The teaching profession is considered prestigious and highly paid. According to a study by the European information network in the field of education “Eurydice,” in the 2015-2016 academic year, the ratio of teacher salary to GDP per capita was 282%. According to this indicator the country ranks second in the EU.

The minimum starting salary is €23 885 per year, and the salary of the Director with 22 years of experience, can reach up to €71 359. Interesting feature: in the public schools salaries are higher than in private. Therefore, those wishing to work in them anymore.

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