Foods with magnesium are very helpful.
Researchers from China say that foods rich in magnesium reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes, stroke and coronary heart disease. Experts examined several dozen studies that have involved over one million volunteers.
Results of scientific work were published in the medical journal BMC. Analysts found out that those people who eat foods high in magnesium, 26% less sick diabetes of the second type. In addition, they are 12% less at risk of stroke and 10% less likely to collide with coronary heart disease.
Doctors declare that taking daily 0.1 grams of magnesium, more people reduce by 7% the risk of a stroke. The risk of diabetes decreases by 19%.
The daily human diet should comprise from 0.5 to 0.75 gram of the specified element. The magnesium contained in foods such as nuts, whole grains, seaweed, vegetables, and spices.
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