The epidemic of flu and colds going on, so you have to prepare your body.
Homemade cough syrup and temperature.
Very tasty, very useful, excellent work and preparing easy! Need. 1 Cup sliced onions, 1/2 Cup of honey. Optional: 1 tsp cloves (whole or ground) is especially good for relieving pains 1-2 tbsp fresh chopped ginger root or 1 teaspoon ground ginger, for warm up, improve blood circulation and enhance the effectiveness of the syrup.
* Add to the onions one of the spices or all at once, but do not add more than 2 tablespoons as a whole. * Put onions and spices in a small stainless steel vessel or glass (not aluminum).
* Pour the honey and put it on a slow fire, bring to a boil. The honey will become liquid. * Continue to cook over very low heat. It is better to cover the syrup with a lid so all the nutrients are not boiled away.
* After 20 minutes, remove from heat.
* Strain the honey so that it has no onions and spices, and store in a small glass jar with a tight lid in the refrigerator.
See also: the Best traditional methods of treatment of cough
Use the syrup as needed for: 1 teaspoon for small children; 1 tablespoon for adults and children older than 10 years.
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