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Home / Science and technology / Flagship smartphone HTC 11 show in March

Flagship smartphone HTC 11 show in March

Флагманский смартфон HTC 11 покажут в мартеNew flagship smartphone HTC 11 will be presented March 20.

HTC can show your new 11 model for 20 March.

The model should be a refinement of the 10th generation, which was released last year. Such conclusions were made after the Corporation on her personal page in FB posted the entry about this day and event for him. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

HTC hinted that the 20th day admirers of the Corporation and its products get a good surprise. It can mean anything, but maybe the company decided to show his heir, as the new model this year they have not yet presented.

The last model shown in the middle of spring and it turns out that it’s time for a new premiere. Most of the competitors have already shown their development or soon they will show. Why corporations need to rush to grab their share of the market. The last model was pretty good and it is actively bought, because the organization was able to implement most of the gadgets that model.

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