Entrepreneurs try to save money on production.
The concept of the traditional bread in Ukraine disappears. On the part of buyers, as a rule, manufacturers do not inform. The majority of private enterprises and bakeries today have switched to the simplified technology to speed up the process and make it cheaper. But the price of bread is increasing. According to experts, by the end of this year, the average loaf can rise up to 13-15 UAH.
According to experts, nearly 40% of producers apply various technologies to reduce the cost of production. In the course are leavening agents, flavors, flavor enhancers, dyes, stabilizers. Although in appearance it is ordinary bread. As the teacher told baking Lviv vocational school of food technologies of Darius Fedkiw, before state enterprises were preparing the dough down to five hours. It is possible to activate the enzymes in the flour, the yeast, the dough formed a so-called frame and gluing, was lactic acid fermentation, accumulated carbon dioxide, etc. Now bakers accelerate the process that does not provide a complete aging and fermentation of dough. Cast components, additives, and mix. This product has no scent or taste of this bread.
Releasing with the help of modern technology bread made from poor-quality raw materials with the addition of improvers, bakers, in the end, satisfy the needs of the trading network. This product is long does not get stale, not moldy, beautiful in appearance. Sometimes resorted to falsification of assortments of bread, especially bakery products, realizing the product baked from flour of the first (or even lower) grade, made from flour.
According to the Director of the Ukrainian Association of trade networks suppliers Oleksiy Doroshenko, for three months government experiment (1 October — 31 December 2016), in which the government did not control prices manufacturers, wholesalers and trade social food, some products rose in price more than in all previous nine months. In particular, wheat-rye bread has risen by 4% (0.41 UAH).
Another important reason for the increasing price of bread — price hike of flour, which began in January of this year. Only for the first two weeks it increased in price by an average of 0.3%. “That’s never happened before. In previous years the price of flour usually started to creep up in March-April. Now, every new batch is more expensive than the last. “It’s bad luck,” says one of the leaders of the enterprise for the baking of bread.
There are other reasons for the growth of prices for bread. This rise in prices of energy and utilities, raising the minimum wage. And yet — uncontrolled export of resources abroad. At the end of 2016 Ukraine has exported 167 thousand tons of flour, which is 14.3 thousand tons more than last year. The result — rising prices for these products within the state, which considers itself the breadbasket of Europe.
Poor quality bread becomes the cause of reducing the number of consumers of this critical product. What, at first glance, paradoxical: after all, impoverished populations like would have to buy more bread. The answer is simple: people, especially in rural areas, now bake their own bread. It requires a little — bread maker (worth from a few hundred to a few thousand hryvnia) and desire. Technology of bread baking a lot, you can find them on the Internet. Baked in a home bread is cheaper. And most importantly — safely.
As for the recipe of the industry out of the crisis, experts suggest to use ready-made experience. At the legislative level to develop specific strict requirements to all producers of bread. For example, to distinguish “bread” and “bread product”. This, incidentally, is made with “milk” and “dairy products”.
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