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Experts told about the benefits of computer games

Специалисты рассказали о пользе компьютерных игрThe human brain needs constant development, the formation of new neural connections, this can be achieved with training.

And computer games also benefit the gray substance, said the scientists.

According to the 2013 study of the Institute for human development in Berlin, playing video games can improve spatial orientation, strategic planning, reaction speed and increase the amount of short-term memory. Hand-eye coordination and reflexes are also much higher among gamers in comparison with people who are not addicted to games. To avoid gaming addiction, especially in children, fill their lives with joyful moments that the child was not looking for them in the games.

Concerns about “play shooter — went to kill people” is also baseless and unfounded. Yes, the perpetrators of the tragedy in the Columbine school in 1999 and the shooting at an elementary school in Newtown in 2013 was fond of bloody shooters, and more than 150 million Americans who took to the streets and did not shoot bystanders. In contrast, periods of decline in crime was observed in peak moments, the popularity of computer games that took the hit. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Games can teach a gamer to try to achieve your goal, explain that mistakes help us to assess the situation and try to re-do anything. Computer Hobbies develop multitasking user and stimulate him to analytical activities, encouraging people to take responsibility for their own choices. But all you need to know the measure.

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