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Experts told about plastic surgery Alina Grosu

Эксперты рассказали о пластических операциях Алины ГросуPlastic surgery and professional make-up artist did a detailed analysis of appearance 21-year-old actress.

In the program “Morning with Ukraine”, which airs on weekdays at 07:15 on the channel “Ukraine” with the leading Nikolai Matrosov and Vladimir Ostapchuk, specialists in the field of beauty commented on the possible plastic face singer Alina Grosu.

Rumors that the popular singer Alina Grosu used the services of plastic surgeons have not stopped for more than a year. The journalists of the program “Morning with Ukraine” conducted its own investigation and asked for comments to the experts.

Exclusive for channel “Ukraine” plastic surgeon and a professional makeup artist did a detailed analysis of appearance 21-year-old actress. According to the surgeon Denis Yurchenko, girls at a young age tend to change, but not as dramatically as Alina.
“I suppose that Alina could use a modern procedure for removal of lumps bisha (special fat globules in the cheeks – approx. ed.) or increase in the zygomatic area. Or both. Also it is now fashionable to do rhinoplasty by injection. I think this option could be chosen by the singer to change the shape of the nose,” says the surgeon.

Makeup artist Anna Galimzyanov also noted that Katy Perry could hardly have been so radically changed only with the right quality makeup. Specialist in the sphere of beauty told reporters “Morning with Ukraine” that with makeup you can really adjust the problem areas of the face, but the wonders it is capable of.

“Cosmetics will help to remove the length of the nose, make it less wide but the nostrils, for example, can not be changed, while using only cosmetics” — sure the makeup artist Anna.

Alina all the rumors about her plastic denies and assures fans that all the matter in a good makeup. According to star, she didn’t turn to plastic surgeons. But comparing a modern photo of Alina Grosu and a year ago, to the artist it’s hard to believe.

“Who would not say plastic, I do not welcome. I never, probably, it not solved. It’s all in the makeup. I always tried to watch my weight — going to the gym, eat right. Thanks cheeks diminished, and on the lips, nose, cheekbones, here I didn’t change anything”, — said the TV channel “Ukraine” Alina Grosu.

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