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Experts called effective exercises for a beautiful back

Эксперты назвали эффективные упражнения для красивой спиныPerforming all seven exercises can bring your back to the ideal.

Why swing back? Not only because it will make it prettier and give you the opportunity do not hesitate to wear swimsuits and dresses with an open back. Strong back muscles better support the spine, directly affecting your posture. In addition, the pumped spin gives you access to the new exercise with more serious weights, which will help improve other muscle groups.

Exercises for back muscles - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

1. Upside-down “snow angels”

The exercise you can perform at home. Lie on a Mat face down and position arms along the body. Take in each hand pancake from the rod weight 2.5 kg (weight may vary depending on the level of training and personal preference). Flowing movements join hands in front of him, while moving them as if parallel to the floor. Then return arms to original position.

If you perform the exercise with additional weight is too heavy, continue without him. Your task is to perform 2 sets of 15-20 reps.

2. “Punch a Dolphin”

Become in the bar. Forearms should be parallel to your feet. Elbows at about shoulder level. From this position, arching your back and bending your knees, bring them to the floor and again viprasys.

3. “Superman”

Lie on the floor, hands outstretched in front of him. Bending at the back, raise arms and legs as high as possible. Hold in this position for 2-3 seconds and take the starting position. Perform 10-15 reps, then rest and do another approach.

4. “Good morning”

Exercise that will strengthen your lower back and make it really strong. To practice this exercise: you will prelolitas back to the wall, back away from her for about 8-15 cm and holding hands on his stomach, vaginitis in the lower back to the pelvis to touch the wall behind you.

During this exercise you bend your knees a little, but the main movement is due to the bending of the back. When you feel good perform this movement, step away from the wall for a few more inches, increasing the range of motion. When on this race the run is not straightforward, step away from the wall and do the exercise without support.

5. “The swimmer”

Lying on stomach, lift right arm and left leg, then left arm and right leg. No need to do the exercise too quickly, your movements should be smooth, you should feel the muscles of the back.

6. “The bridge”

This exercise will help to strengthen the lower back and lower back. Lie on your back. Foot to the floor abut as abut them before performing a standard bridge. Put your hands at your sides. From this position, lift your pelvis so that your hips made one straight line with the torso. Hold the pelvis at the highest point, 2-3 seconds and return to starting position.

Keep your shoulders off the floor when performing exercises. UPS engage the muscles of the back, minimizing the involvement of the legs. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

7. Push-UPS “pike”

From push-up position lift your pelvis up so that your waist is formed with a leg angle of 45-60 degrees. From this position, exercise, bending your elbows with a small amplitude. The number of repetitions pick based on individual characteristics.

Use these exercises to keep your back drew only admiring glances.

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