To get a free copy of the game, it is enough to have an account on the service Origin and to visit “on the house”.
The company Electronic Arts offers all players the free PC version of the game Syberia II. Full free version games available in digital Origin service from EA.
Apparently, the company decided to prepare the players for the imminent release of the third part of the game. Adventure game Syberia III by a French Studio Microïds released on 20 April 2017.
The author and main designer of the game series Syberia was the famous Benoit Sokal (Benua Sokal). The plot of the franchise follows the adventures of Kate Walker (Kate Walker), which visits the mystical sights of Siberia in search of the last surviving mammoths in the country.
Game Syberia II was released in 2004. The game was extremely well received by players and critics, and long remained the standard adventure game. Average score of the game today is 8 out of 10. To get a free copy of the game, it is enough to have an account on the service Origin and to visit “on the house” where to obtain your digital copy of the game Syberia II. How long the campaign will last is unknown, so we recommend you to hurry.
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