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Doctors told what side to sleep more useful

Медики рассказали, на каком боку полезнее спатьExperts have proven that the most beneficial sleep on your left side.

On what side of the body, sleep is one of the controversial issues in modern medicine. Meanwhile, each side has its compelling arguments “for” and “against”. Meanwhile, after research, doctors came to the conclusion – better to sleep on the left side of the body.

According to experts, the fundamental benefits of sleeping on your left side is in much better oxygenation of the blood, and improving circulation.

While improved lymphatic flow helps to cleanse the body, and also the movement of blood to the heart, which moves along full blood Vienna on the right side of the body, as there is no reasons that cause compression or squashing it.

So as the pancreas and stomach are shifted to the left, sleep on the left side, stimulates their work, and also reduces the risk of developing heartburn.

In turn, the diabetics who are constantly sleeping on your left side is noticeably better. However, you cannot sleep on the left side of the people who suffer heart failure, ischemic heart disease, diseases with localization in the left lung.

This also applies to people who have suffered injuries and surgery.

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