Hand washing is key to stopping the spread of disease.
But washing hands should soapy water and at least 20 seconds, said scientists.
There are many ways to prevent the spread of germs and disease, but experts say one of the easiest ways is also one of the most important: it is proper hand washing.
This is especially true during the holidays when people travel and gather together for parties and other celebrations, according to the researchers from the canadian Centre for occupational health and safety.
“Hand washing is the single most effective way of preventing the spread of infections. When people do not wash their hands, they can spread a number of diseases, including the common cold, which is the main cause of absences at school and work,” — said the expert.
They are reminded that hands should always be washed before: eating, preparing food, treating cuts or other wounds, medical treatment or care, beauty treatments, manipulation of contact lenses.
Canadian experts recommend to wash hands after: handling raw meat and poultry; using the toilet or changing diapers; after contact with animals and their accessories, coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose; wound treatment and care; removal of debris and cleaning; contact with chemicals; travel on public transport.
When soap and water are not available, you can use sanitizers for hands that contain at least 60 percent alcohol. They clean hands as effectively as soap and water, said in a press release.
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