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Doctors told how to recognize heart disease

Врачи подсказали, как вовремя распознать заболевания сердцаWhat are the early signs of heart disease

Learn about developing a heart ailment is difficult because vascular disease and heart tend to last for a long time with subtle symptoms.

The doctors told me about it and gave a picture of those unpleasant symptoms which indicate problems with the heart.

In many cases, cardiovascular diseases remain undetected until the occurrence of significant problems, including pose an immediate threat to life (stroke, heart attack). Physicians emphasized that early detection of such diseases makes it possible to avoid complications and to make positive changes to way of life helps treatment.

Cardiologists named several symptoms of heart disease, which, according to them, should never be ignored. One of these symptoms is a change in heartbeat when the heart beat is punctuated with a beating. Increasing the number of such attacks can indicate the presence of arrhythmia and fibrillation, experts noted.

Also alarming symptom, according to cardiologists, is the occurrence of dyspnea. If it manifests itself during a walk or after a light exercise, so there are problems with the cardiovascular system, suggest doctors.

In addition, the deterioration in the condition of the heart speaketh swelling body parts, with no explanation – especially repeated and combined with any other symptom of heart ailments. In the same row, any pain that is felt in the chest and radiates to left arm, neck, jaw or back.

Frequent episodes of sudden fatigue, weakness and dizziness can also indicate decrease in cardiovascular activity, said the researchers.

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