This need to know everyone.
Stroke is one of the life-threatening disease, the symptoms of which and the rules of provision of basic first aid everyone should know.
How to detect a stroke?
There are a number of myths about the symptoms, which manifests itself as a stroke. Unfortunately, this is not always the classic “a sharp drop with loss of consciousness and loss of sensation or ability to move in one half of the body.” Quite often, the stroke is much quieter.
In recent years, the smoothed pattern of stroke has become increasingly common. Cases are known when the patient and sometimes the doctor even could not think that faced with the manifestations of stroke, so changed and mild were her symptoms.
Symptoms and asymmetry
Huge clinical role played by the asymmetry of symptoms (whatever they were). Roughly speaking, not significant, for example, the mere appearance of numbness in any part of the body, like the appearance of this symptom on only one side of the body. The same applies to headaches, and impaired coordination.
Bad prognostic sign is the asymmetry in facial expressions when the patient tries to smile, but the second half of its face remains stationary.
There are also more specific signs that are less common, but more accurately indicate the development in the patient of stroke. These include:
Disorders of consciousness (confusion, dizziness)
Numbness on one side of the body
The asymmetry of facial expressions
Dysarthria (impaired ability to speak) and an impaired ability to understand speech is already a very serious symptom, indicating that a stroke has developed, and that at full speed and killed the brain cells responsible for certain functions.
How to prevent the development of stroke?
Based on all the above, make a simple conclusion: be attentive to yourself and your family. Follow the blood pressure and blood sugar.
Decompensated arterial hypertension is a key factor in the development of stroke, so if you have hypertension – do not neglect regular visits to the doctor. This will help keep your heart and brain cells at all.
Do not drink large quantities of alcohol, caffeine, fatty and fried foods. Your body is entrusted to you once and for all. You are also responsible for the safety of your health and full of vitality.
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