Coffee reduces the risk of developing dementia.
Drinking three cups of coffee a day significantly reduces the risk of developing dementia in old age. This is evidenced by the results of research conducted jointly by scientists from the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm and the University of Kuopio in Finland.
“We believe that caffeine is protective to the nervous system properties”, – says conducted studies Miia kivilpelto tel:.
In the study that took place over 20 years, participated 1409 Finns aged 50 years. Those of them who drank at least three cups of coffee per day, scientists have noted a 65 percent reduced risk of developing dementia compared to the control group, where the consumption of coffee was less than two cups per day.
Previously conducted studies have shown that coffee also slows down the development of Parkinson’s disease and diabetes.
“We still do not fully understand what mechanisms are behind it. We know that coffee is a powerful antioxidant and also contains a psychoactive substance,” says Miia kivilpelto tel:.
The Finns drink the most coffee in the world per capita. In second place behind them are the Swedes, who, according to the Central statistical Bureau of Sweden, drink an average of 3.4 cups per day. Two-thirds of this amount is consumed at home, the rest – at work and in cafes
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