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Dispel the major myths about sleep and insomnia

Развеяны главные мифы о сне и бессонницеScientists share important information.

It is considered that our ancestors rested a lot more. And the dream, they were stronger. But is it? And is it true that in a bad dream of his contemporaries are guilty of, especially, electricity.

We are told that two hundred years ago, people rested at night, not working, not sitting at the computer or watching TV. And it is true, as without electricity in the dark to do seemingly nothing. But does this mean that now we sleep less than our ancestors? - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

As noted by scientists who study sleep problems, statements of this kind unfounded and nothing confirmed. In fact, in the past, no one thought to measure the average duration of sleep in different populations. And moreover, there were no devices on which to establish the nature of the dream.

Thus, we cannot know whether the longer and safer if we slept with our ancestors. On the contrary, some fragmentary information from the past suggest otherwise. Sleep people one hundred or two hundred years ago could be shorter than it is now. Indeed, the television and computer, which could linger until late at night people did not exist. But imagine that rural youth midnight walked at parties and the bar “hang up” on the balls. It is even possible that nowadays people are even more asleep.

According to experts, the opinion about the duration of sleep is not the only common misconception of our time. For example, it is considered that the long sleep is necessary for brain well-remembered and processed all the daily information. Research in biology also does not confirm this assumption. For example, it is known that among animals the most good memory of elephants. But they sleep on the average 2 hours a day!

You can often read even one innocent, but, alas, a lie. Supposedly watching TV, playing on the computer or fuss with your smartphone before bed reduces the time of stay. Man allegedly wakes up much earlier, even if his day off. But this opinion is refuted by the now very real results of the study.

Scientists went on expeditions in remote parts of Africa and South America, where still tribes living in primitive customs, and will deal only with hunting and gathering. About any electricity they have not heard. Examining their daily routine, scientists have just found that they sleep less than ours. These tribes live for many thousands of kilometers away from each other, and the result is the same. The average length of sleep is six and a half hours a day in them, then as it reaches eight hours from us. Only the most busy people in modern society sleep as little as the representatives of primitive society.

The usual mode of the day – not a dogma
Another myth is that a long and healthy sleep allegedly promotes health and longevity. It is somewhat contrary to previous misconception about the short-term sleep of modern man, but it does not seem to bother those who truly believes in it.

The essence of the claims is that modern man lives long, as is sleeping peacefully, a lot and safe. Primal also had to Wake up at every sound, fearing predators. He slept little and restlessly lived, as you know, several times smaller.

Scientists also believe this is true. As a minimum, observations of chimpanzees that are close to the person and still belong to the wild, have shown that even on the tree, without the walls, roof and Central heating can sleep all night without waking up from the crunching of a branch or the bite of an ant. There is no evidence to suggest that our ancestors slept intermittently, say the researchers. This myth modern people have created for themselves, watching Pets – dogs and cats, in nature, which really laid the need to sleep several times a day, but a very short time.

What will become of us, if we will be to behave the same way? According to experts, the man is still better to follow the usual routine. It is known that too short or too long sleep is equally harmful to the body. However, you should not attempt to force-fit into his schedule eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Need to sleep enough to have time to relax and to “once in a while to Wake up,” joked scientists.

You can also refer to the experience of tribes living without electricity in different climatic zones. In the heat of summer, their members also often prefer to NAP for a couple hours in the shade when the sun is at its Zenith. But if it’s not too hot, people do not even think to doze off. Awake from sunrise from sunset.

But the herders of the far North to afford a dream in the dark can not. In the summer they have the midnight sun, in winter the polar night. In those areas where for months the sun does not rise above the horizon for more than 6-8 hours, people also prefer to sleep twice a day. And it has no effect on their health, researchers say. But you’ll definitely suffer if you will commit violence against themselves, they warn. The bad decision – take stimulants to drowsiness. Or “sit down” with sleeping pills just because you have time to sleep for two or three hours.

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