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Curiosity of the day: the network has shown a giant alien ship

Курьез дня: в сети показали гигантский корабль инопланетянIn Bangladesh, filmed a huge white UFO.

The witnesses managed to shoot a white UFO in the nature reserve of the Sundarbans.

This was reported by international media on 4 February on Saturday.

The reserve is located in the South of Bangladesh, where it was possible to see the presence of aliens.

Great long ship was white, and it blurred the contours extended to the sky. Several times the plate stayed in place, and then continued to fly on.

Foreign tourists were able to videotape a five-minute flight of a UFO, after which the ship disappeared.

This is not the first presence of aliens in the territory. Earlier there was information that three months ago, it flew in this reserve. Then the ship only about 10 seconds were present, and many decided that they seemed.

In the organization there is a lot of rare animals, including tigers, deer and many species of birds. Also on site is a huge mangrove forest.

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