Doctors offer to drink coffee regularly.
In addition, a study of American cardiologists, showed that coffee drinkers lower the risk of suicide.
However, it is not clear why this effect: eliminates whether flavored drink from depression or simply prefer a more psychologically happy people. No matter how frightened the doctors negative health effects, it was found that moderate coffee drinkers even live longer than those who are alien to this drink. However, not everything is so rosy. Received evidence that the excess measures in the coffee drinking leads to the same diseases of the cardiovascular system and suffer from insomnia. A classic combination of coffee with a cigarette greatly increases the risk of developing lung cancer.
salt: less than 6 g a day – 1 teaspoon;
coffee: up to 5 cups a day;
dairy products: low fat or skim milk;
sugar: less than 10% of daily calories*.
cholesterol: 300 mg (1 egg contains 200 mg).
alcohol: up to one serving per day for women and two for men, upon reaching the appropriate age specified by legislation.
meat: different varieties, but low-fat (these recommendations differ from the who recommendations in the published report on the relationship between the consumption of processed and red meat and the risk of developing cancer.
saturated fats: less than 10% of daily calories*.
* Note: for women taken 1600 kcal, 2000 kcal on average.
vegetables: dark green, red and orange, and legumes (beans and peas). Norma – 2.5 cups per day;
fruit: whole fruit (with peel) Norma – 2 cups per day;
grains: half of them (buckwheat, brown rice, barley…);
low-fat dairy products, including yoghurt, cheese and / or soy beverages;
protein, including seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), soy dishes, nuts and seeds.
oil, including vegetable, olive, canola, corn, safflower, soybean, sunflower, peanut. Oil is also present in nuts, seeds, seafood, olives and avocados.
sugar: less than 10% of daily calories;
saturated fats and TRANS fats: less than 10% of daily calories. Foods high in saturated fats (butter, whole (raw) milk, fatty meat, coconut oil and Palmanova). Saturated fats should be replaced with unsaturated fats, such as olive or canola oil;
salt: adults and children 14 years and older should limit consumption to 6 g per day, children below the age of 14 should consume even less. Read the label on prepared foods, especially processed such as pizza, pasta, sauces that have salt.
All these basic recommendations, focused on ordinary people. For those who value their health, they’re even tougher, namely, 75-80% of plant foods (vegetables, fruits and berries, and 2/3 should be vegetables), a significant restriction of red meat (primarily for people over the age of 35), giving up sugar, fried and smoked food, adequate consumption of pure water and the inclusion of the “water diet” green tea.
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