In London there was a cafe, where the food you need to pay physical exercise.
In London opened a cafe Run for Your Bun in which the order to pay is not money, but physical exercise.
In Run for Your Bun visitor can earn a free lunch by completing the six-minute high-intensity program – squats, exercises for the abs, leg lunges, push-UPS, exercises on a treadmill and stationary bike. At the same time, between exercises, you can do a break in 30 seconds.
As the work-out, a hungry visitor gets a healthy meal – pita bread with vegetables with smoked salmon or a grilled cheese. The café will offer healthy snack – nuts, fruit, and Basil.
In the company-owner of the network David Lloyd Clubs noted that the idea to create this cafe was born after he conducted a study which showed that 90% of the time workers spend in the office table.
Given that the average working day lasts for 8 hours, turns 1576 hours per year sitting in a chair, and this, according to expert estimates, about 65 days.
Also of the thousands of respondents a third of dines directly in front of the monitor while ordering food via mobile applications.
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