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Celebrate the beginning of spring in the different countries of the world. Photo

Празднование начала весны в разных странах мира. ФотоWe offer you a list of the most entertaining ways of celebrating the beginning of spring in the world.

International women’s day celebrates in all countries, and where noted, not everywhere pay special attention to it.

But spring is warm, the annual renewal of nature was welcomed across the globe. Next, you will find a story about the 10 most interesting spring festivals around the world. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

1. Thailand

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In mid-April in Thailand, meet local New year — Songkran. The holiday is considered family. These days it is customary to bring the clergy delicious meals. Young people drench each other with water.

2. China

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Three days (from 2 to 4 April 2017) in China marks the feast of purity and clarity of the Qing Ming. It is celebrated in early April, on the fifth day after the vernal equinox. In this day to remember the ancestors and to launch a kite. In China believe that if you burn something paper for ancestor, he will receive it in the hereafter. Therefore, the Chinese burn paper cars, pictures of food and even the ersatz money.

3. Japan

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On the first Sunday of April in the Japanese city of Kawasaki is a festival called Kanamara Matsuri. Its main part is the procession in which participants carry a huge phalluses. Here you can meet people in costume of the penis, and to buy memorabilia and even candies. This Shinto festival originates in the XVII century — so the local prostitutes begged success in his work. Now Kanamara Matsuri is a holiday of fertility and prosperity.

4. Turkey

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Nowruz (Nauryz, Navruz) is one of the oldest festivals of spring in the world. Widely known among the Iranian and Turkic peoples, is celebrated in day of vernal equinox, March 21. During Novruz, a table is set with dishes from the seven plant-based foods — wheat, pea, bean, beans, millet and other. In Uzbekistan and other countries for holiday cooking sumalyak — a sweet dish made from germinated wheat grains. The grains are ground and boiled for days in a cauldron with the addition of flour.
Sometimes on the table also put a mirror and painted eggs, symbolizing the end of old and beginning of something new. In some countries it is customary to kindle fires and seven times to jump over them to purify themselves from sins.

5. Spain

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One of the most famous spring Spanish holidays — Fallas. He is indirectly linked to the increasing daylight and is dedicated to St. Joseph. Fallas is celebrated throughout Spain, but with a special celebration in Valencia. This holiday is also called festival of fire, everywhere, thundering fireworks, exploding firecrackers, and in the final burn huge dolls, which are the Fallas. Dolls often depict certain evils of mankind, politicians, cartoon characters, their size can reach 20 meters. For the whole city is preparing a huge paella. In 2017, the Fallas will run from March 15 to 19.

6. India

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Holi, the spring festival is the most colorful literally the festival of India. On this day people sprinkle each other with colored powder — it is believed that the more colors on clothes and skin, the more good wishes sent to the address of the person. In 2017, Holi is celebrated on March 13.

7. Canada

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In may in Ottawa, Canada, a festival of tulips. Here you can see thousands and thousands of flowers. The holiday was established in honor of the friendship between Canada and the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, Princess Juliana, together with her daughters took refuge in Canada.

8. Mexico

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Mexico’s widely celebrated day of the spring equinox. The main festivities are held in the capital of the Mayan civilization Chichen Itza: there are pageants and ritual dances in colorful national costumes.

9. Belarus

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In Belarus on March 1, say “Gukanne Viasna”: sing songs-stoneflies and decorate the house with sprigs of willow and birch. The name of the holiday comes from the chorus to the songs-stoneflies: “GU-u-u-u!”. Following the call of spring come the magpies (22 March) it is believed that on this day of warm countries returned birds. Hostess baked from dough figurines of birds, “the lark” eye-highlights. In some villages still skewer baked birds on sticks, decorated with ribbons and flowers and run through the streets, saying: “Larks arrive, the winter take it away!”

10. Germany

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The German may day is known as Maifeiertag, “may holiday”. Begins on the eve, Walpurgis night — all jumping over bonfires, singing and dancing till morning. At the same time dress up the famous Maypole. Maibaum — post, at the top decorated with figurines, ribbons and flowers. Previously it was the custom of kidnap and ransom Maypole villagers competed to see who will steal the neighbor’s tree and get a reward. Now may day is accompanied by fairs, concerts and folk festivals.

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