Israeli prime minister in isolation after daughter tests positive for Covid

The PM left a cabinet meeting in the Golan Heights after it was revealed that his 14-year-old daughter had tested…

2 years ago

Algerian player dies after collapsing on pitch as spate of tragedies hit football

Loukar is said to have collided with his own goalkeeper in the 26th minute of the Algerian Ligue 2 meeting…

2 years ago

BBC branded ‘anti-Semitic’ for ‘insidious’ reporting – media

The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center judged the British broadcaster to be “guilty of several incidences of anti-Semitism” when compiling…

2 years ago

Putin hints at Russian response if West rejects security deal

That's according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking in an interview aired on Sunday by national television. This month, Moscow called…

2 years ago

Your $1.7 billion of gold is now ours, UK tells starving Venezuelans

The recent decision, CNN reported, “ruled that recognition of heads of state and government was solely the responsibility of the…

2 years ago

Muslim star Salah draws backlash with Christmas message

Salah, who is one of the biggest Muslim sports personalities on the planet, posted a festive image to his millions…

2 years ago

German media names date of Russia-NATO meeting

The US-led bloc’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has decided to convene a meeting on January 12 and has been in…

2 years ago

Putin signs bill outlawing Russia’s other president

Since 1991 and the fall of the Soviet Union, the head of the Republic of Tatarstan, a region in European…

2 years ago

Global oil & gas discoveries to hit 75-year low in 2021

As of the end of November, total global discovered volumes this year are calculated at 4.7 billion barrels of oil…

2 years ago

Anti-vax mandate protesters rally outside Israeli PM’s house (VIDEO)

People gathered outside Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s home in Ra’anana. They beat drums, sang songs, and held candles, with signs…

2 years ago