Golden calf? Onlookers bemused as Republicans wheel in gold Trump statue for CPAC

Photos of the apparent golden Trump idol being wheeled into the Florida hotel caught the eyes of thousands on social…

3 years ago

‘Safely recovered’: Lady Gaga’s stolen bulldogs brought to LA police after pop star offers $500k reward with no strings attached

The pups were brought to an LAPD station north of downtown on Friday evening by a woman believed to be…

3 years ago

Biden admin to charge White House reporters $170 per Covid test amid concerns smaller outlets will be squeezed out – reports

The White House press office will begin charging for the tests next week, the Washington Post reported on Friday, observing…

3 years ago

This is who they are: Biden’s Syria strike is a stark reminder of American Empire that’s back to its old tricks

Democrats love proclaiming one can’t “turn back the clock,” usually to argue against even attempting to undo whatever domestic policies…

3 years ago

Boston halts advanced school program over ‘equity’ concerns after study finds it has too many ‘white and Asian’ students

Fourth-graders hoping to get into the Advanced Work Classes (AWC) program are out of luck, after Boston Public Schools Superintendent…

3 years ago

World Economic Forum shouted down on Twitter for suggesting Covid-19 lockdowns ‘improved cities all over the world’

A video accompanying the Friday tweet by the WEF shows images of deserted streets, grounded airliners and idled factories, then…

3 years ago

NYT columnist faces conflict of interest accusations after singing praise for Facebook ‘Groups’ feature in tech giant’s blog post

A 900-word post by Brooks appeared on a company blogging platform on Tuesday, stressing the importance of “trust” in online…

3 years ago

Mars trip ‘can only be understood through Black Americans’, NASA tweets, celebrating renaming of HQ building

Long merely called “NASA Headquarters,” the Washington, DC building was officially renamed in honor of Jackson on Friday. She became…

3 years ago

Syria condemns ‘cowardly aggression’ by US as Biden says he wanted to send Iran message about ‘impunity’

“The Syrian Arab Republic condemns in the strongest terms the US aggression against its sovereignty,” the foreign ministry in Damascus…

3 years ago

New York’s ‘WAKANDA FOREVER’ school superintendent, who demanded solidarity salutes, takes helm of largest US school system

Meisha Ross Porter has been named head of the largest US public school system, becoming the first black woman in…

3 years ago