Retired head of internal security of the state fiscal service.
The head of the Department of internal security Gospitalniy service Yury Sheremet resigned.
“Wrote a statement in the morning. I was raised to take responsibility for their words, let set an objective truth,” he said.
Note, on the night of March 7, he Sheremet wrote on his Facebook page about fear of prosecution and its connection with the suspended head of the GFS Roman Nasirov:
“Only that the state Prosecutor during consideration of the petition for election measures of restraint Nasirova stressed that one of the risks why at the time of investigation he needs to be detained is that I know him from school if he is released will be able to communicate with me and through me to influence employees of the SFS, which makes impossible the objectivity of the investigation,” wrote Sheremet.
To avoid such a risk, he gave the word to the public Prosecutor on Tuesday morning to resign from the post of head of the internal security of the state fiscal service of Ukraine.
Recall the night of March 7, Solomenskiy district court of Kiev arrested Nasirov for 60 days with possibility of bail in the amount of 100 million UAH.
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