Scientists advise not to work more than 8 hours.
Scientists from the Centre for public health at the Medical University of Vienna (Austria) surveyed the staff of nursing homes in Lower and Upper Austria and came to the conclusion that the work schedule of “2 in 2”, involving the first two days of 12-hour shifts and then 2 days off is too heavy.
According to scientists, after 10 hours from the employees comes a significant decrease in efficiency, and the optimal length of the working day is still 8 hours. When the chart 2/2 during the weekend worker does not have time to rest and recuperate, they need for this three-day weekend.
Excess of physiological norms of labour leads to a decrease in the quality of work, increase the risk of errors and accidents in the workplace and in transport.
Work for 50 or more hours per week for many years increases the risk of cardiovascular and mental illnesses. Particularly susceptible to this, the women usually additionally loaded with domestic work and care of children.
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