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Called main benefits of spicy food

Названы основные преимущества пряной пищиSpicy foods are very helpful.

People are divided into two types: those who loves spicy food and those who can not stand. If you belong to the first type, you got lucky.

1. Longevity - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Chinese Academy of medical Sciences conducted a study which found that people who eat spicy food daily or almost daily, have a reduced risk of death by 14% compared to those who do not consume spicy food or consume it very rarely.
2. Reduce cravings for sweet and fatty foods

The doctrine reaffirmed that after eating the food, which includes spicy ingredients people, have less cravings for salty, fatty or sweet food.

Add to food spicy ingredients can provide tremendous benefits to maintain a healthy weight.
3. Enhance immunity

Spices have strong antibacterial and antioxidant properties, as well as the ability to fight infections and protect the body.

In accordance with the practice of traditional medicine, many spicy foods containing capsaicin can improve heart health, lungs and kidneys.
4. Reduce inflammation

Spicy foods can reduce inflammation in the body because of its high content of phenolic compounds. Spicy foods can act as anti-inflammatory agents, thereby reducing the risk of inflammation, physical discomfort and disease.
5. Decrease the hunger hormone

Whenever you are hungry, a hormone known as ghrelin, may act as a true dwarf in your stomach that makes you eat and eat without restriction. Eat spicy food to reduce the level of ghrelin.
6. Speed up metabolism

Thermogenesis is the process of heating, in which capsaicin enhances basal metabolic rate.
7. Improves the function of blood vessels

Capsaicinoids have the ability to reduce LDL cholesterol. It was shown that capsaicin can reduce blood pressure and promote proper blood vessel function.
8. Protect you from foodborne illnesses

For a long time, spicy foods are known for their antimicrobial properties. Scientists from Cornell University conducted a study which found that adding spices to dishes can kill harmful bacteria present in food.

Green onions, cumin, and garlic are among the most antibacterial spices.

In addition, spicy foods are delicious! Now that you are familiar with all the benefits of spicy food, it’s time to include it your diet!

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