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Home / Medicine / Called another danger of birth control pills

Called another danger of birth control pills

Названа еще одна опасность противозачаточных таблетокFor and against contraception

Nowadays, many women are protected against unwanted conception by using birth control pills. If you carefully read the instructions, you will be able to provide a hundred percent protection.

The first thing you need to start, is the fact that the purchase of contraceptive supplies should be checked only in pharmacies or online stores. You should be completely sure that this is a quality product and only then make the purchase and direct use of the drug. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Preparations of this type contain synthetic hormones. They are a kind of analogue of female hormones. Due to the influence of progesterone and estrogen, the follicles cease to ripen. If you’re taking the pill, it will help you to suppress ovulation.

If you want to restore your fertility, you need only to stop using drugs. It should be noted that the described means remove the discomfort during menstruation.

You should not forget that birth control pills have side effects. Many women have the red highlight. However, after some time they pass.

Are tablets hormones often cause the appearance of swelling in the extremities. It is not necessary to exclude and bloating. Note that contained in the preparations progestins make the lady nervous. In addition, you may be overweight.

Some great halves when taking pills there is a “ravenous” appetite. If you find on the face of little dark spots, you will need to consult a doctor for a replacement drug.

Keep in mind that if you use the described tools, you will in any case not to smoke.

If you need to start to take any medication you ought to consult with a specialist. After all, many of the tools are absolutely not compatible with each other.

If you fear the appearance of excess pounds, you need to give preference to products containing a small number of hormonal components.

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