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Called another adverse property of alcohol

Названо еще одно вредное свойство алкоголяAlcohol causes life-threatening palpitations

Alcohol consumption can lead to palpitations person up to levels dangerous to the cardiovascular system and life – discovered recently by scientists from the University of San Francisco.

According to the presented data, the following conclusions are part of a major study involving 223 patients suffering from atrial fibrillation – one of the quite common forms of arrhythmias in the period from 2004 to 2011. Scientists have discovered that when alcohol especially in large doses, the risk of deterioration, the development of other cardiovascular diseases and sudden death in the average had increased 4.5 times. According to scientists, the reason for this phenomenon remains largely unknown, but the data once again prove that patients suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, should refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

At the same time, the study remains incomplete because scientists have not carried out the division of patients into groups depending on the severity of the condition and amount of alcohol consumed by them daily. According to modern concepts, alcohol is harmful only in large quantities. The norm is 3-4 units of alcoholic beverages per week (1 unit equivalent to 1 bottle of beer, 1 glass of wine, and so on) in the presence of a break between their use not less than 12-16 hours is good for the body. Thus, in a recent study conducted by a team of Indian researchers, it was found that 1-2 glasses of red wine per day for 70% to reduce the content of cholesterol in the cardiovascular system, resulting in significantly reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as a number of other diseases.

“In matters of alcohol consumption many remains unclear. We have dozens of different studies, which largely contradict each other. Surely we can only say that the use of it in the size more than 3-4 units at a time, and 12 to 14 units per week in the long run will lead to health problems. Somewhere in the area of this mark varies fringe benefits of alcohol and the harm from him” – note from San Francisco.

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