The Internet giant Google today confirmed a couple of rumors on its lineup of smartphones Pixel. Earlier it was reported that it would not be a budget model and it’s now officially confirmed, but at the same time, Google will release a cheap phone — this has been stated semi-officially.
This year a series of Pixel replenished with two new models, and they do not come out until the autumn to move the current Pixel and the Pixel XL, which was very warmly accepted by the world community and critics. As for the budget unit, previously referred to as the Pixel 2B, but now that name is no longer relevant, and new, yet no one offered. According to rumors, available device do those same people who are currently working on Pixel 2, and this may be the Taiwanese HTC, which created the first generation of these devices.
A mobile phone is likely to be focused on third world countries where few can afford the medium price range. It is likely that the device will include a series of Android One, under which third-party companies have already released smartphones initial price range for developing countries. Will there be new from Google in Russia, is still unknown, and whether it is here amid the dominance of Chinese phones of high enough quality? The specifications state employee from Google at the moment being kept secret.
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