Most recently, Britney Spears (Britney Spears) has officially confirmed the affair with male model and dancer Sam Asgari. The pair first came to light at the party dedicated to the awards of the award “Grammy”.
Britney and Sam
The pair started Dating a few months ago, but Sam already considers Britney his family. Recently a young man celebrated his birthday and shared with personnel of the festive evening in Instagram. He commented on the video: “This is really the best birthday. Like family.”
Hands down The best birthday. 03/03 #lovemyfamily
Britney also congratulated boyfriend and shared a photo of my birthday cake. She wrote: “birthday of my baby.”
Britney fans are happy for her: “I wish you boundless happiness, my Queen”, “You deserve it, good for you”, “You two look good together”, “Very beautiful cake”.
We will remind, Asgari became the hero of the new clip of Britney Slumber Party — acquaintance of the pair happened during the filming. It is also known that Asgari had moved into the house of Britney in Las Vegas. The source said that the lovers spend all their time together and can’t live in different houses.
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