Something interesting will be very soon.
Although the essence of Overwatch lies in competitive multiplayer, Blizzard Entertainment is trying to release a lot of related materials about the game’s story, the history of the universe and the characters. However, along with a new character — a robot Arisoy company introduced a relatively simple roller instead of a full short film or even a comic book. Therefore, prone to panic, fans wondered: is Blizzard turns their story beginnings?
As usual, the community began to talk about the invented problem on the official forums. Suddenly, a discussion broke leading writer Overwatch Michael Chu (Michael Chu). He stated that the development team have big plans for 2017, which is a more common story additions and updates. At the moment developers are just working to bring these plans to life. So the plot is not going anywhere.
Finally, Chu said: something interesting coming your way soon. What he omitted.
Well in the gameplay of Overwatch meanwhile, a very different drama: on the test server rolled out a few potential revisions of the balance of the characters.
Among them, for example, rookie of Orisa: she reduced the store with 200 rounds to 150, and the cost of the superpowers increased by 15 %. Have Sombra reduced recovery time “Translocator” (four seconds instead of six) and reduce the distance of the sound effects from masking of up to 15 meters. Krysavcik not getting damage from your own explosions. Damage biotic rifles Ana reduced from 80 to 60, the damage of biotic grenades — from 60 to 30, and the treatment of the same grenades from 100 to 50. The dome Winston begins to recharge after installation, not after the destruction. Alternative fire Zenyatta restored for 0.6 seconds instead of one, and the sphere of dissonance can be applied through the barriers.
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