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Became known, when will start selling tickets for the Eurovision song contest

Стало известно, когда начнут продавать билеты на ЕвровидениеThe organizer of “Eurovision-2017” hopes that tickets will go on sale in February.

Deputy General Director of PJSC “national public broadcasting company” Pavlo Hrytsak said that the company will comply with the decision of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) regarding the cancellation of the procurement procedure “Services for the sale of tickets for the song contest “Eurovision-2017”, and expressed hope that the tickets will be on sale in February.

As reported in the release channel NTU, February 6 permanent administrative Board of the AMC on consideration of complaints about violation of legislation on public procurement adopted a decision according to which National public broadcasting company of Ukraine ordered to cancel the procedure of procurement of “Services for the sale of tickets for the song contest “Eurovision-2017”. The decision was taken after consideration of the complaint of OOO “Maestro tiket systems.”

Because of this decision, the Deputy General Director of a broadcasting company Paul hrycak said: “We will implement the decision of the Antimonopoly Committee is the state authority, we have no other options. We can’t say that I agree with this decision, so look for a solution of the situation, to start a ticket as early as possible. We conduct consultations on this issue with the European broadcasting Union and will not make any decisions without consulting them”.

At the same time, P. hrycak assured that tickets will be on sale later this month: “I Hope that the tickets will go on sale in February, we are actively working to realize it.”

The national public broadcasting company of Ukraine – the broadcaster is the organizer of “Eurovision-2017” held a transparent and open tender for the selection of the official ticket agent. By results of competition of selected private enterprise “In Tkat” (, as the company met all technical and qualification requirements, has experience of international work ticket and a website with over 100 thousand visits per month in the last year.

The contest “Eurovision-2017” will be in Kiev, the main arena elected as international exhibition centre. Have confirmed their participation in 43 countries. The semifinals will take place on 9 and 11 may, the final on 13 may. Booking and sales of tickets will be made to 9 show 6 dress rehearsals, two semi-finals and finals of the competition.

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