What was the typical Communist propaganda of Soviet times? He was typical of his blatant shameless lie. The Communists lied to the Soviet people at every opportunity. But if deception about the situation in the country had at least to come closer to reality, that Communist lies about foreign countries was limited only by the imagination of the workers of the propaganda that was involved in it. And why? Because, if about the case in the USSR, the Soviet people still had some idea of how really people live abroad Soviet people could only learn from a fully-controlled Communist media. If you are in full control of data traffic, you can sell people any bullshit. This simple truth was based Communist agitprop. And the shameless Communist false propaganda was aimed at the younger generation. If adults could based on my personal experience more or less critical to perceive the Communist agitation, children and adolescents in this respect were completely defenseless. Especially if the Communist lie has been on the pages of magazines, for example, from the pages of the magazine “Tekhnika – molodezhi”. Don’t believe that this seems to be a solid narcopouch magazine as “TM”, could publish a blatant and shameless Communist lies? Then read on.
For people to idle normally, it does not matter who makes a particular magazine. But it is very important to know to understand who benefits from one or the other information published in a magazine. In particular, the journal “technology youth” published by whom? And here there is no secret.
Was published the magazine the Central Committee all-Union Leninist Communist Union of youth (Komsomol Central Committee). This structure is fully subordinate to the CPSU Central Committee and managed by the young people of the USSR to grow in the spirit of blind loyalty to the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. In General, “Tekhnika – molodezhi” is a Communist magazine. And for every line that was printed, there was a cohort of true Communist ideology of the editors. And, by the way, please note that this magazine is positioned not only as “science-art”, but as “socio-political”. That is, publishers (CPSU) don’t even hide the fact that the magazine is published to disseminate the Communist ideology in the wrapper nauchpop.
Take for example the number 6 of this journal in 1981. Here it is.
Everything is so solidly and scientifically. “To the heights of scientific and technological progress,” cosmonaut Anatoly Filipchenko talks about “the service of the future.” Reads a Soviet teenager is such a wonderful, and most importantly – very scientific – journal and, of course, believe every word printed in it. And who would think that even in such a magazine, the Communists can shove their rotten Communist lie?
But the teenager comes to page 56, which contains a very interesting section “Around the globe”. In this section of the journal “technology youth” published a small note about the different innovations of science and technology abroad, including in Western countries. And when in the Communist magazine written anything about the Western countries, the attention should be the maximum, because literally every paragraph, the reader can wait for Communist lies. But know that we, adults, which, fortunately, have access to any information. But teenagers in the Soviet Union did not know. Therefore, uncritically perceived any “facts” they tossed the cunning workers of the Communist propaganda.
In this section there is a note about one extraordinary building.
Well, the note and the note might say careless reader, – what’s special about it? And unusual about her is that under the guise of a story about an interesting architectural project of Soviet Communist propagandist inspire Soviet youth: “Land in Western cities is very expensive, so architects are forced to build such an unusual house here, because a normal house to build a very expensive land more than houses. Here’s a horrible life from the capitalists. So you, children, do not let drool on the supposedly beautiful Western skyscrapers. They are not from a good life to build, and not even very bad.”
The Communists never miss a chance to kick the West and capitalism. All the while the West is bad, everything is sort of awful. And even the praise seems to be the note – Pro original architecture – Communists doing their usual thing – a lie.
But what’s the lie? And maybe in fact in that city, which built this house, the land is so incredibly expensive that the poor architect had to design the pyramid and put her “in the ass”. But let’s look closely at the picture.
The picture is really muddy – bad printing is generally a distinctive feature of the Soviet media – but what you can see. It is clearly seen that although the main building looks like an inverted pyramid – supposedly because of the high cost of the land underneath the building is not directly on the ground or a small area of the stylobate. You can clearly see that the residential building towers over some other single-storey and quite large area of an elongated length of the housing, which is part of a multi-storey building. But how? If the land is so expensive that I had to build an inverted pyramid, why was it under to build elongated one-storey building? It is somehow not logical. Even in this murky photo clearly shows that this elongated bottom floor footprint is much more extensive than the area of the top floor of the pyramid. Therefore, the information about the forced architectural solution because of the terrible high cost of land – nothing more than a Communist lie.
However, the Communists never stop at half measures. The Communist slogan says – if I lie, so lie scale and to the bitter end. By the way, Communists like to talk about Goebbels, as a reference shameless propaganda lies. But what the Communists don’t like is to remember that in his youth Goebbels was in bed with Communists, planning to join the Communist party and that of the Communists, Goebbels borrowed many techniques of propaganda that are then used to combat them. Actually, that’s what most Angers the Communists – their enemy very successfully used their own methods.
But back to the point about this unusual house. In the note indicated that this house was built somewhere in Canada. What, generally speaking, quite unusual, considering the canadian expanse. If the Communists were talking about the unprecedented high cost of land somewhere, say, in Holland, where in fact rather crowded is one thing. But they why-that have brought Canada. Apparently on the principle that Canada is unlikely that any Soviet reader will get, so don’t check. So, the assertion that the picture is a canadian home, another Communist lie.
What is that building in the end and where is it located? And find it is not so difficult. It is in the USSR, with complete information isolation, to find any verification information was impossible. These Communist liars always enjoyed, knowing that their lies no I can not check. And today the Communist lie scattered, as the skin of a vampire in sunlight.
So, TA-Dah, drum roll. This is a building of note in the journal “technology towards the youth” (number 6 for 1981).
This is the hotel Panorama. And it is not in Canada, and in the ski resort “štrbské Pleso” (Štrbské Pleso)… in Slovakia.
So this building looks today from a different angle:
For the uninitiated person this may seem incomprehensible. How?! Moreover, the Communists were deceived about the unusual architectural solution because of the alleged severe cost of land, so they also gave the building in Slovakia in 1981 of the socialist Czechoslovakia – in capitalist Canada. But a knowledgeable person will not be surprised that another Communist lie. One less, one more – does it matter. The Communists brainwashed the people thoroughly and without regard for the most elementary ethical standards.
This could be the point. However, let us not forget that those venerable Communist mastodons remained last in our time. Partly these are the same liars that have not yet died, but for the most part this is a new generation that learned from their spiritual Communist fathers. What is the difference between modern Communist and procommunistic agitpropom? Yes, the same deceit, but also greatly diluted their stupidity and complete lack of any creativity (which is why they hate the word “creative”). Therefore, once fabricated lie they are ready to use in new packaging and with a different sauce.
When I was looking for information about the building, which was used in the Communist falsehood in the journal “technology – youth”, I found a number of Pro-Communist or Soviet-type sites that use photos of hotel Panorama for your new lies. For example, a website Novosti-N-Ukraine. Here, check out the scan of this material from this site:
If the Communist are liars, talking about “scourge of the West”, declared the Panorama of the canadian building, the current said that it was one of the Soviet buildings “ahead of time.” Other I published there, did not check, but I think that’s the same level of confidence. Moreover, these liars with Novosti-N-Ukraine lied to twice in one article. They refer to the portal BigPicture. I’m not lazy to go there. However, BigPicture not only claims that the Panorama of the Soviet building, and directly writes that this ski resort in Slovakia.
Or here is the website of Inforec.
On one of the slides titled “Soviet architecture” we see our old friend – the Slovak hotel Panorama. In the description even of Stalinist architecture dragged. What’s in the mind of these people?
One may wonder: Why so stupid to lie? The answer is simple. Those classic Communist liars of the Soviet era tried for the very good life that was much better than the life of the majority of the Soviet population. Such prominent workers of Communist agitprop, as different Zorin, Mushrooms and other Soulful-Mulukova could afford to lead the life of the average European bourgeoisie. They had a very nice apartment, a chance to go on trip abroad for the state account, etc. etc. of Course, agitpropom of “Technology – youth”, it was still not the TOP. But it was growth opportunity. So they tried who each other peresekaet scale lies in favor of the CPSU Central Committee and the Central Committee of the Komsomol.
But what motivates the modern Soviet agitpropom? No, I’m not talking about what they’re all trying to spray against the wind and to present the USSR a kind of wonderful and the only bright spot in the lives of our people. Well, everything is clear – personal psychosis, anger at the world, the envy of more successful, etc. There is no psychiatrist all clear. But why trying to tell the Soviet Union about something they are good almost every time resort to the most shameless lies? But because the deficit. An acute shortage of positive information about the Soviet Union. With one hand, space and science. But it’s already old suvanno urine. And it is necessary to release something new, attractive. But this new no. Therefore, who a little smarter, come up with stories about the world’s first Soviet personal computer, well, and the stupid weight scoops lying just like breathing. Here in this case, giving the Slovak mountain hotel for the Soviet building of the original architecture.
And their stupidity is manifested in the fact that they are corny does not understand the simplest one. The Communist agitprop workers in the USSR could lie to the population of anything – check them out ordinary person could not, because the Communists controlled all the information. But today lie is just silly, because everything is easily verified, any information is easily available to anyone. But don’t lie to fans of the Soviet past just can’t. It’s in their blood.
The hotel Panorama in a way, lucky. Almost half a century of Communist feeds false getproposal. However, it is recognized that in 1981, Communist liars was removed from this building more fat received for his lies fee, which we were then able to spend on brandy and sandwiches with caviar editorial in the cosy canteen (better than those in which a crowd of ordinary Soviet people). And the current scoops-besposhadniy blowing “for the idea.” And on this small example we can see that for free the Communists do not even want to lie beautifully, and reduce all to the dull interpretations of the old Soviet thing.
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