On the first place ranking was the UAE. Second place was taken by Spain. And the third step of the podium went to Greece.
MoveHub, a British company offering moving services, conducted its own study, comparing the data on housing prices in 33 different countries from Global Property Guide, with information on average salaries from Hay’s Group Global Salary Forecast. Thus was chosen the best country to those who first enters the real estate market.
The UAE became the leader of the rating due to the fact that for 2016, housing prices in this country fell by almost 8%. Spain and Greece are located on the second and third places respectively.
Worst country for first home buyers is recognized as Turkey. While the 2016 local wages have risen only 0.6%, housing prices here have added 16,42%. The catalyst for the price rise remain foreign investment.
TOP 10 best countries for first home buyers: 1. UAE 2. Spain 3. Greece 4. Singapore 5. Switzerland 6. Italy 7. Estonia 8. France 9. Poland 10. Belgium.
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