This week was a fashion show Aishat Kadyrova. The appearance of Anna Khilkevich at the event has not gone unnoticed: her outfit provoked rumors that the star of “Uni” is expecting her second child.
Skintight outfit emphasized form of Anna and many thought that was visible on her rounded belly. Fans bombarded the star with questions and she openly decided to dot the “i”.
Lee has posted a video in Instagram, signing it: “In this video you can understand where I am months pregnant! On no!!” (Spelling and punctuation authors — approx. ed.).
As he sang once Apina — “I blinded him from what was” or the video series “when you unquestioningly obey, and obey” another super shot for the magazine TopBeauty PHOTO @polinabertrand MUA @panteleeva_galina by the way!!!) in this video you can understand what I month of pregnancy at no
However, fans of the artist’s early to get upset. Anna herself has repeatedly stated that it wants to become a mother for the second time to please my daughter by the emergence of a brother or sister.
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